
The mission of the Brilliant Contact Community™/ Spiricoasis® is to inspire personal and planetary brilliance.

First, by facilitating actualization for any person who so requests through educational programs and supporting facilities and services to enhance the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being of the individual in relationship to self, others, and the planetary environment. The educational objectives of said facilitation are to develop the specific faculties which enable appreciation for, dedication to, and practical realization of each of the following:

1) Miracle of life

• Miraculous existence of the physical universe, of consciousness, and of life itself
• Self-revelation and the exploration of truth and of life's source
• Opening to the possibility of the direct experience of a higher power which is the ultimate source

2) Inner being

• Innocence in each newborn human life
• Inherent wisdom within each person
• Nurturing and supporting self-directed growth and maturation

3) Choice

• Absolute freedom and autonomy in making personal choices in all aspects of life
• Awareness that such choices must not impose on or violate any other person or that person's freedom of choice

4) Interconnection

• Sacredness and interconnection of all things created, both animate and inanimate
• Intimate communing with nature and with other persons and serving them
• Inviolable trust established and maintained by keeping one's word
• True harmonious coexistence with all other persons, animals, and the environment

5) Creativity and playfulness

• Creative and playful expression inspired by openness to the ultimate creative power and playful nature of life's source

6) Infinite possibility

• Breaking through for extraordinary achievement and profound results

7) Sensuality and sexuality

• Sacredness of the human body and of human sexuality
• Optimal physical fitness
• Physical nurturing and sexual expression guided by mutual respect, honour, virtue, and openness to joining in consciousness
• Reuniting with the source of all consciousness

8) Self-brilliance

• Enjoying fulfillment and brilliance from within even when faced with apparent unfortunate circumstance, disregard, ignorance, or lack of consideration and being ever-ready to embrace wonderful gifts

Second, by engaging in research and development of new programs and applications to more effectively provide said facilitation and to employ its practical implications.

Third, by conducting outreach programs designed to alleviate, reverse, and eliminate destructive conflict, poverty, illness, and environmental and wildlife degradation in accordance with the above objects, thereby creating harmony, abundance, well-being, and a vibrancy in nature for all to enjoy.

Fourth, by financially and otherwise supporting other organizations, the activities and projects of which are in furtherance of the aforementioned objects.
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