
What you will learn in the 12-class progressive series of Chemistry in Motion™/

Body physics skills – basic and advanced skills of contact improv
to learn, deepen, and master:

Balance, base of support
Off-balance venturing
Rolling point of contact
Exploring and distinguishing between sliding, rolling, compressing, squeezing
Exploring and distinguishing between pushing, leaning, reaching 
Reaching and extending through center, base of support, periphery
Soloing, relationship to floor as partner, moving through space
Relationship to another or a number of others
Utilizing friction, sloughing down
Falling into the floor from low, medium, and high levels
Falling down and up onto and with a partner
Crescent rolls
Low, medium, and high level lifts
Supporting a partner with shelves
Flying onto various levels of partner shelves
Release technique – modifying tone to serve choice and movement
Biomechanics of spiral reaching and movement
Time-slicing and finding alternate and reverse pathways

Related personal interactional and chemistry skills to learn, deepen, and master:

Sensing personal boundaries of comfort for self and others
Distinguishing when to explore personal edges by choice
Skills of consent – what do you want, who is this for?
Distinguishing and practicing offers, requests, and invitations
Self-responsibility and empowerment
Initiating, exploring, and ending dances – explicit and implicit invitations
Assertiveness - recognizing and honouring personal rights
Core relational skills common to contact improv and aikido – beyond the fight/flight/freeze paradigm
Non-violent communication – a language of compassion
Feedback and self-disclosure – the Johari Window
Workshop Institute for Living Learning skills of speaking for I
Distinguishing between modes of physical, emotional, and sexual intimacy
Clarifying personal values around those modes in terms of exclusivity vs expansiveness 
Self-acceptance and acceptance of others’ personal values 
The venn diagram of truly mutual dance and relationship - honouring the authentic self
Responsibly honouring the power of attraction with grounded, respectful clarity
The meditative frame of consciousness within movement and stillness
The relationship between personal skill, safety, and trust – physical and other dimensions
Vulnerability and generosity in the dance and in interpersonal interaction

These 12 classes are designed for progressive development to foster all the above skills, as each person
is individually ready. You proceed to the extent of your abilities. Your intelligent, self-responsible choice determines your path for what you are ready. Each new 12-class progression spirals more deeply into the lifelong learning that is available in this container of training, discovery, and exploration.

All are welcome. The only requirement is your commitment to well-being for self and others.

Come join us! :)


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